Site search results (4 results)

  • 24/06/2016

    Statement from Pact following the Referendum outcome

    Pact is disappointed with the decision to leave the EU given that 85% of its members voted in our survey before the Referendum to remain. Pact prides itself on being a pragmatic and effective organisation that works in the interests of its members and we now have to focus on potentially significant changes across a whole range of issues...

  • 24/06/2016

    Statement from Pact following the Referendum outcome

    Pact is disappointed with the decision to leave the EU given that 85% of its members voted in our survey before the Referendum to remain. Pact prides itself on being a pragmatic and effective organisation that works in the interests of its members and we now have to focus on potentially significant changes across a whole range of issues...

  • 14/10/2020

    Pact Council reflections from outgoing Chair, Sara Geater

    Sara has now served the maximum term of 4 years as Chair of Pact Council and will stand down on 31st December. She looks back on what Pact has achieved during her time as Chair and considers some of the key challenges ahead for her successor...