Ross Lewis

Head of International & Projects

Ross manages Pact's international activities for members, including organising markets and missions, gathering information on territories and seeking out new opportunities for UK independent producers.

Ross is also responsible for Content Without Borders, our annual gathering which brings Pact members together with international commissioners and buyers.

Ross joined Pact from the Department for Business and Trade (formerly DIT) where he spent seven years as Senior Account Manager for Screen (Film and TV) & Publishing. During that time Ross managed relationships with all key industry associations including Pact and also the BFI, BFC, Film Export UK, Film London, Animation UK and UK Screen Alliance. Ross supported companies in the creative sectors to export and invest overseas, identifying and helping them overcome market access barriers. He also sat on the UK Global Screen Fund steering board with DCMS and BFI.

Ross represents us on the UK Government’s Creative Industries Trade & Investment Board (CITIB), the Export Partners UK (EPUK) group and is a member of Media Cymru’s International Advisory Group.

He has an MA in Screenwriting from London College of Communication.