Applying for Talent Visas


Pact acts as a Designated Competent Body under Arts Council England for the purpose of assessing Global Talent endorsement applications (previously known as Tier 1 Exceptional Talent applications) in the fields of film, television, animation, post-production and visual effects.

The Global Talent Visa endorsement assesses applicants' skills, abilities and achievements in accordance with Pact’s endorsement criteria (outlined below) to decide whether applicants should be endorsed to progress their application.

To be successful, applicants will need to comply with one of Pact’s endorsement criteria.

Applicants will also need to comply with the evidence requirements outlined under the Arts Council England Guidance here.

Apply For aTalent Visa
How to Apply

The Global Talent endorsement application is submitted online directly to the Home Office and is available here.

Please be aware that endorsement applications and/or visa applications must NOT be sent to Pact directly. All applications must only be sent to the Home Office.

The information found on this page is solely meant to inform applicants of Pact’s endorsement criteria. Pact will not provide bespoke advice on potential applications or updates on current applications.

The Application Process
  1. Applicant submits application to Home Office.
  2. Home Office sends relevant applications to Arts Council England. 
  3. Arts Council England sends Pact the applications in the fields of film, television, animation, post-production and visual effects.
  4. Pact reviews the applications in the fields of film, television, animation, post-production and visual effects.
  5. Pact sends endorsement decisions to Arts Council England.
  6. Arts Council England sends the decisions to the Home Office.
  7. The Home Office informs applicants of their decision. 
Endorsement Criteria

Applicants who wish to be endorsed as a recognised leader in the fields of film, television, animation, post-production and/or visual effects must show evidence for one of the following:

1. Have won (at any time), or in the last 10 years from the date of application have received a nomination for, one of the following awards:

  • an Academy Award,
  • a British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) (Film, Television, Craft, Cymru, Scotland and Games only) Award,
  • a Golden Globe, or
  • – an Emmy Award.


2. Have, within the last 10 years from the date of application, made a significant and direct contribution to winning or being nominated for one of the awards mentioned above.


3. Have, within the last 15 years, achieved a minimum of two nominations for one of the awards mentioned above.


4. Can demonstrate notable industry recognition by providing evidence of:

1. international distribution sales and recognition; and

2. having achieved one of the following:

  • at any time, won a minimum of two Notable Industry Recognition Awards for at least two different productions. Where the production(s) are films, the films must have had a theatrical release;
  • at any time won one, and, within the last six years before the date of application, have been nominated for one other Notable Industry Recognition Awards for at least two different productions. Where the production(s) are films, the films must have had a theatrical release;
  • within the last six years before the date of application, have been nominated for a minimum of three Notable Industry Recognition Awards for at least two different productions. Where the production(s) are films, the films must have had a theatrical release; or
  • within the last three years before the date of application, made a significant and direct contribution to winning or being nominated for three Notable Industry Recognition Awards for at least two different productions. Where the production(s) are films, the films must have had a theatrical release.
Frequently AskedQuestions

How long does it take for Pact to decide on an endorsement application? 

On average, it can take two to three weeks* from receipt of the application from Arts Council England for Pact to review an application and send the endorsement decision to Arts Council England. 

*Decisions on applications can be delayed where applications do not include all valid contact information required to verify authors of letters of endorsements. 

How can I evidence international distribution sales and recognition? 

Please note that evidence of international distribution sales and international recognition needs to be submitted to sufficiently meet the Pact Notable Industry Recognition Criteria. 

Strong evidence of international distribution and sales can include:

  • Box office sales 
  • Official listings of the work(s) – the listings need to credit the applicant. Where the applicant is a music video directors, listings from Official Music Video Charts and/or IMVDb are appropriate. 
  • Numerous distribution agreements from multiple territories 
  • Numerous licence agreements with multiple media platforms

Strong evidence of international recognition can include:

  • Multiple festival screenings at high profile festivals in multiple territories; and/or 
  • Multiple interviews from high profile media outlets in different territories 

Is there any discretion to accept awards that are not on the Notable Industry Recognition Awards List?

As it currently stands, the Notable Industry Recognition Awards List is an exhaustive list so Pact will not exercise discretion to accept awards that are not already on the Notable Industry Recognition Awards List. 

How often is the Notable Industry Recognition Awards List amended? 

As it currently stands, the Notable Industry Recognition Awards List is amended on an ad-hoc basis.

How can I show evidence of a significant and direct contribution to an award and/or nomination? 

There is not a specific list, but strong evidence can include both

  • Letters
    Letters from recipients of the award or nomination – the letters must detail the applicant’s contribution to the award or nomination was part of a group and how such the applicant’s contribution is both direct and significant. These letters must be separate to the 3 letters of endorsement. 
  • Credits
    An applicant being credited in a programme or film that has been nominated or won an award. This can be shown by screenshots of the credit roll, credits on IMDb and/or credits on the nomination or award win. 

Please note that the threshold for demonstrating significant and direct contribution is high.

The contribution is to the evidenced award, and not the production as a whole.

Examples of unclear significant and direct contributions can include but are not limited to:

  • A composer where the award is Best Cinematography.
  • An actor, who is not part of the key cast, where the award is Best Film.
  • A cinematographer where the award is Best Actor. This is a personal performance award.

What type of evidence do I need to provide to show a credit for an award nomination or win?

The evidence submitted must show the applicant’s name, the name of the production, date and award category.

Common evidence includes: 

  • Pictures of the physical award clearly showing the applicant’s name, the name of the production, date, and award category 
  • Scanned certificates of the official award from the awarding body 
  • Emails from the awarding body confirming the award nomination or award win; and/or 
  • Official publications from the awarding body confirming the award nomination or award. 

Does Pact endorse exceptional promise applications?

As it currently stands, Pact does not endorse exceptional promise applications.

Does a listing or showing at a festival count as an award win or nomination?

A valid nomination at a festival must be an official nomination as opposed to just a listing or showing at a festival.

Is there a limit on the amount of evidence that can be submitted?

Yes, the limit is 10 documents (excluding letters of endorsement) in accordance with Arts Council England’s Guide for Global Talent Applicants. Where an applicant submits an application that has more than 10 documents, Pact’s endorsement decision will be based on the first 10 documents in the application. 

Does the CV form part of the evidence limit?

A CV or resume is not an essential requirement. If you submit a CV or resume as part of the 10 permitted pieces of evidence, the CV or resume will not be considered in Pact’s assessment of your application.

Are student entries allowed?

We do not accept student awards.

Is there a promise route?

No, there is no promise route for this Global Talent Visa.

What is included in ‘theatrical release’?

Theatrical release is interpreted based on the nature of the production, this includes but is not limited to the likes of TV, cinema and SVOD release.