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Luke Seraphin, a person with a shaved head and stubble wearing a dark blue shirt and black waistcoat.

The TV Access Project: What You Need to Know

Photo of a group of office workers in a breakout room, including a woman in a wheelchair who is smiling at the person speaking.
Free National Inclusion Week 2024

Disability Awareness Training

Photo of a diverse group of three men sat in a meeting in an informal part of the office, with notebooks in front of them.
Free National Inclusion Week 2024

Inclusive Leadership: Managing Diverse Teams

TAP Logo in white on a purple background.
Free National Inclusion Week 2024

The TV Access Project: What You Need to Know

Photo of a diverse team sat around a meeting table in a light office space with a white board full of colourful post-it notes behind them.
Free National Inclusion Week 2024

Understanding Socio Economic Class

Photo of a man stood behind a camera with his hand on the tripod grip and lens. He is wearing a cap and black t-shirt.
Free National Inclusion Week 2024

Seeing the Whole Picture

Photo image of a broadcast camera, quite close up, in a dark studio with just a few spotlights behind the camera.

Competition Law Awareness for Film & TV Production


NATPE Budapest (Pact discount)


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