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Privacy Policy/Cookies Statement

TableOf Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is Pact?
3. Data and Information 
    3.1. What data do we collect?
    3.2 Data from third parties
    3.3 How do we use your data?
    3.4 Retention: How long do we store data for?
    3.5 Subject Access Request

4. Cookies
    4.1. Cookies and how they work
    4.2. How do we use cookies?
    4.3. Google Analytics
5.  Third party and Links
    5.1. Links
6. Data Protection
    6.1. Our legal grounds for Data Processing
    6.2 Your rights
7. Reservations
    6.1 Changes
    6.2 Security
8. Breach
9. Get in touch with Pact


1. Introduction

The following Privacy and Cookies Policy is presented by Pact to inform visitors to our website and members of Pact, of our commitment to provide excellent service. We want our services to be safe and enjoyable, and we are committed to protecting your data. 

By visiting our website you are agreeing to the conditions described below and our terms of use. This Privacy Policy provides information about the data Pact collects and in what ways Pact uses, collects and stores this information. 

We recommend that before using the website and before submitting any personal information, you read this Policy.

2. What is

Pact is the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television representing the commercial interests of UK independent television, film, digital, children’s and animation media companies.

3. Data &

3.1. What data do we collect? 
Personal Data is information that can be associated with or relates to a person or could be used to identify the person the data is collected from.

This privacy and cookies policy relates to our use of any personal data we collect from you including but not limited to:

  • When you visit our website;
  • When you sign up to receive our newsletter;
  • When you sign up to and renew a Pact membership;
  • When you register a production with us;
  • When you contact and communicate with us via email, phone or this website;
  • When you download contracts, agreements, guidelines or other resources available to you as a Member of Pact;

This information can be anything from your name, email address, phone number and your place of employment, and what resources you have downloaded from our online library if you are a Member. 
3.2. Data from third parties
If Pact organises Events using other companies services, or constructs surveys, or other services online using third party services, we might receive your personal data from them. This data will be used for the purpose it is collected only, and will not be retained for longer than to properly perform our services to you or in order for us to comply with legal obligations or if it is in our legitimate interest to retain your data.

3.3. How do we use your data?
Collection and use of your Personal Data is done in a matter consistent with this Privacy Policy. The information we collect helps us improve, provide and tailor our services to you.
These are some other ways in which we may use your data:

  • To provide you with information about our services and to deal with your requests and enquiries;
  • To send you our newsletter and other Member Alerts;
  • To process your booking to any of the events posted on our site;
  • To provide you with password reminders, notify you of site maintenance, issues we are experiencing, updates or to let you know any changes to your account if you are a Member with Pact;
  • To use IP addresses and device identifiers to identify the location of users, to block disruptive use;
  • To verify your membership details.

We will also use your personal data to contact you in relation to any queries or correspondence to us, to remind you of events that might be of interest to you, or if there is any disruption or any changes to your membership.

3.4. Our lawful basis of processing data
On the Pact website we operate with different bases to collect and process your data.


When you for instance provide us with your email address and your name in order to sign up to the newsletter you give us your consent by opting in, that we are allowed to use your data in order to stay in touch with you. When you become a member you also choose what news and alerts you want to receive from us and thereby consent to us sending it to you.

When you become a member, or you sign up, we also ask you whether you will consent to us sharing your data with a third party for statistical purposes and for being a part of our Pact census. The ability to opt-in to this is separate and will not affect your ability to opt-in to receive alerts and news.

Your consent is explicit and your rights under the GDPR provide that this consent can be withdrawn. However, please be aware that if you withdraw consent, it may affect the services we are able to provide to you.

When you become a member, and renew membership, of Pact, there is a contractual relationship that is being established. Pact will process the personal data that is needed in order to fulfil our obligations to you in that contractual relationship. 

Legal obligation:
We process data in the scale and necessity that is needed to comply with legal obligations, for instance to be compliant with data protection laws or with tax law, for instance for the purpose of membership fees, to send you invoices and so on. We will also retain this information for the period that is required by law.

Legitimate interest: 
We process personal data on the basis of legitimate interest when our interests are not overridden by your rights and freedoms as a data subject. 

For more information about your rights, please see point 6.2 in this privacy policy. 

3.5  Retention: How long do we store data for?
The information we collect about you is retained securely on our website and is not shared with any third party, unless you have agreed to such sharing or unless we are required to do so to comply with legal obligations or for lawful purposes or if it is in our legitimate interest to do so. We retain data for a certain period as is permitted or required under applicable laws. We will actively review the data we hold and securely delete it if there is no longer a legal or business need for us to keep it.

If you are a Member, we retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to comply with our contractual relationship with you, and for us to perform our obligations to you in a proper and effective manner. Be aware that for legal reasons and to comply with legal obligations, we might store data for a reasonable time after your contractual relationship with us has ended. We might also retain data where we have a legitimate interest in doing so.

3.6. Subject Access Request
If you want to know what personal data we have stored about you, you need to make a Subject Access Request (SAR) in writing.

Please put ‘SAR’ in the subject line, so that we can deal with your request in a timely manner as set out by law. Please note that we will likely need additional information in order to identify you. This is to secure everyone’s data. This service is free of charge. However, if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive or you request several copies of your data following a request, please be aware that we will charge a reasonable administrative fee.

4. Cookies

4.1. Cookies and how they work
Pact’s website sometimes makes use of browser ‘cookies’. Cookies are pieces of information that a website either transfers to your computer’s hard drive or stores temporarily in your computer’s memory for record keeping purposes. It is saved to your computer and used to track user navigation around a website.

For more information on cookies, we recommend you visit http://www.aboutcookies.org for detailed guidance.

4.2. How do we use cookies?
Pact’s use of cookies is restricted to strictly necessary cookies, cookies used for performance and cookies used for functionality. Pact does not use cookies for advertising.
Currently we operate on a consent basis so that you explicitly consent to accepting cookies when you use the Pact website. If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.).
You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please be aware that when you disable cookies some functionality may be affected. 

4.3. Google Analytics
We use the services of Google Analytics. They may store information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. This Analytics data is collected via a JavaScript tag in the pages of our site and is not tied to personally identifiable information. We therefore do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.
Information in regards to Google Analytics and their privacy policy can be found here: 

5. Third Parties
& Links

5.1. Links 
Pact’s websites contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, their own terms of use and are also likely to use cookies.  We therefore advise you to read these documents before you use these sites or submit any information. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.

The links from this website to other websites does not imply that Pact endorses, has reviewed or is in any way affiliated with or is a representative of these third party sites or their content. Pact will not be held liable for any information or damage resulting from your visit to these pages. You visit these sites at your own risk and your own responsibility.

Pact does not disclose your personal data to any third parties, unless this is to comply with legal obligations or it is in our legitimate interest to do so.

6. Data

6.1. Our legal grounds for Data Processing
The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires us to inform you about our legal basis for the processing of your data.

Our processing and collection of your data is either based on your consent provided for us to do so, or is necessary in order for us to fulfil our obligation in a contractual relationship with you, or it is in respect to legitimate interests or any legal obligation under law, as stated in Article 6 in the GDPR. Please see this explained more in detail under point 3.4 

6.2. Your rights 
The GDPR sets out different rights for you as an individual, which gives you greater control over your data.
Your right to be informed is one of them, and that is what we do when we provide you with this privacy policy. You have a right to access the data we store on you, and this can be done through a SAR. Please see point 3.6. in this privacy policy on how to go about that. 

You have a right to rectification or to complete inaccurate personal data, if your data has been processed by the basis of contract, consent or legitimate interest. Please note that if we find your request to be manifestly unfounded or excessive, or repetitive in nature, we reserve the right to refuse to comply with your request, as is set out in the GDPR. We also reserve our right to request a reasonable fee for dealing with your request.

If your data has been processed on basis of consent or for us to comply with a legal obligation or legitimate interest you have the right of erasure, also referred to as the right to be forgotten. The right to data portability applies where we have processed your personal data on the basis of consent or our contractual relationship.

You have the right to object to processing where we have processed data on the basis of consent or contract.

Please be aware that where we process your personal data under the basis of legal obligation, none of these rights other than the right to be informed and right to access will apply.

We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure your rights under the GDPR is set out clearly in this policy and that we ensure your data is secure with us when we are processing it.

7. Reservations

7.1. Changes
This privacy and cookies policy may be subject to change. So is our website and terms of use. We reserve our right to alter, modify, update, add to, subtract from or otherwise change this Policy at any time and for any reason or no reason at all. Changes will be posted on this page. If we make any changes that will alter how we handle your data, we will take further action to notify you of these changes. Please always refer to this page to be informed on how we collect and process your data.

Pact reserves the right to disclose, share or otherwise transfer user information in connection with a corporate merger, acquisition, consolidation or other fundamental corporate change. If this should happen, you will see a notification on these pages and in our terms of use.

7.2 Security 
Pact does share your information with third parties where you have given us explicit consent to do so. We will also share if we are under a legal obligation to do so or if it is our legitimate interest. You might have consented to us sharing your personal data for statistical purposes.

However, if we are sharing your data, we will take every measure to ensure the protection of your data and to limit the information to what is strictly necessary under our obligation to comply.

This privacy policy shall be read in conjunction with our terms of use. These two documents set out our framework on which we process data and in which we provide our services to you.

8. Breach

We care about your privacy and we do our utmost to secure your data and to comply with all legal obligations and Data Protection Law applicable in the UK. However, should you experience or suspect a breach of personal data, please write to us at the address below.

Please put ‘Breach’ in the subject headline, so that we can get back to you in a timely manner as required by law.

9. Get in Touch
With Pact

You may write to us at:

3rd Floor, Fitzrovia House
153-157 Cleveland St. 