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Supporting Growth
Nationally & Internationally

Since 1991, our work has helped transform the UK independent production sector from a cottage industry into a creative and commercial success story, which employs thousands of people and is worth billions to the UK economy. 

We have done this through a combination of campaigning for changes to policy and legislation, negotiating agreements with broadcasters, unions and guilds, and giving our members the tools and support that they need. 

The TermsOf Trade

In 2001, Pact successfully campaigned for the introduction of Terms of Trade, which were passed into law in the 2003 Communications Act. 

The Terms allow UK indies to retain the rights to their programmes when engaging with Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs), opening up the opportunity to generate additional revenue from intellectual property (IP). This change transformed the sector and to this day Pact members can use their IP to grow their businesses in the UK and beyond. 

When the Terms were introduced over 20 years ago, UK indies were worth around £850m to the British economy. Today, their value is almost £4bn (Pact Census 2023).

We continually re-negotiate the Terms of Trade with the PSBs on behalf of UK independent producers, to ensure that they adapt to meet the changing demands of our fast-paced and ever-evolving industry.

Tools& Support

We offer a huge array of resources which have been designed to give our members the tools and support they need to make the most of opportunities within the sector to expand their creativity, grow their businesses, and ensure their productions and workplaces are inclusive.

Ways that we support our members include:

  • Meetings with Commissioners and Buyers
  • Legal & Business Affairs Guidance
  • Online & In-Person Events
  • International Markets & Missions
  • Expert Advice & Insights
  • Digital Resources & Tools


Being a member of Pact has really helped as we have grown Air TV over the last few years. From advice on business affairs and international strategy, to support with events such as MIPCOM, Creative Cities Convention and Content Without Borders, Pact has a great way of bringing people together in an upbeat way - leading to lasting and fruitful business relationships.

Matt Richards

Managing Director, Air TV

Banner Image supplied by Pact member, Rollem Productions.