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Engaging in Collective
Agreements & HR Issues

Pact acts as the collective voice of UK independent producers in negotiations with broadcasters, unions and guilds. 

We regularly engage in talks and re-negotiate key agreements which govern the sector, including the Terms of Trade with the PSBs and collective agreements with Bectu, Equity, Directors UK (DUK), the Musicians’ Union (MU), the Film Artistes Association (FAA) and the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain (WGGB).

Summary of UnionCollective Agreements


Pact/Equity TV Agreement 2019

Application: This agreement covers engagements of actors, dancers, stunt coordinators and stunt performers on TV productions. The TV production must have a linear transmission or transmission on an SVOD platform.

Pact Team Leads: Helen Hogan and Weronika Kurzynska.

Pact/Equity Cinema Film Agreement 2021

Application: This agreement covers engagements of actors, dancers, voiceover artists, minors, stunt coordinators and stunt performers on feature films. The feature film must have a theatrical release. Minors (artists under 18 years old) are now covered under this agreement.

Pact Team Leads: Helen Hogan and Weronika Kurzynska.

Pact/Equity Supporting Artist Agreement 2019

Application: This agreement covers engagements of Supporting Artists within a 40-mile radius outside of Charing Cross in TV, SVOD platforms and feature films.

Pact Team Leads: Weronika Kurzynska.


Pact/Bectu TV Drama Agreement 2017

Application: This agreement covers the engagement of production crew on scripted TV productions.

Pact Team Lead: Conrad Mewton.

Pact/Bectu Major Motions Picture Agreement 2018 (as amended 5th April 2021)

Application: This agreement covers the engagement of production crew on feature films with a budget of £30 million and above.

Pact Team Lead: Max Rumney.

Musicians Union (MU)

Pact/Musicians Union Agreement 2020

Application: This agreement sets out the terms for engaging musicians recording music in sound only, simultaneously in sound and vision and for miming works in film and TV. 

Pact Team Lead: Samantha Ravenscroft.

Writers Guild of Great Britain (WGGB)

Pact/WGGB Agreement 2003 (with BBC amendments)

Application: This agreement sets out the terms and minimum rates for engaging writers on TV productions.

Pact Team Lead: Helen Hogan.

Film Script Template Agreement

Application: This agreement is for drafting agreed terms for commissioning a script.

Pact Team Lead: Max Rumney.

Film Artistes Association (FAA)

Pact/FAA Agreement for the Employment of Background Artistes, Stand-ins and Doubles (2017)

Application: This agreement covers engagements within a 40-mile radius of Charing Cross for Background Artistes, Stand-ins and Doubles in film and TV.

Pact Team Lead: Weronika Kurzynska.

Directors UK (DUK)

Directors Rights, Administration, Payment and Reporting Agreement 2020

Application: This agreement covers the rights and minimum terms for engaging directors in TV.

Pact Team Leads: Max Rumney and Conrad Mewton.

Human ResourcesIssues

Our in-house team of legal and business affairs specialists and Pact Council members also work collaboratively with other industry bodies on best practice for a range of Human Resources (HR) issues, including bullying and harassment, discrimination, health and safety, compliance and data protection. 

We share this guidance and best practice with our members via the Resource Hub and our newsletter, to help ensure that employers in the sector are fully informed about their responsibilities under the law.