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Working Towards a
Sustainable Future

We are committed to working with our members and industry partners in transitioning the sector to a sustainable future. 

In addition to making our businesses and productions greener, we recognise that the screen industries play an important role in helping to normalise sustainable behaviours with the public and increase their understanding of climate change through on-screen content. 

Pact is a member of the BAFTA albert TV Industry Steering Group which supports the development and implementation of albert’s strategy and industry-wide objectives on sustainability. 

We were part of the Creative Industries Council (CIC) working group that devised the Creative Climate Charter, which is designed to galvanise action on the climate and biodiversity crisis. 

We also work with other industry partners to help inform our members about how they can make their businesses and productions more sustainable, regularly sharing information, opportunities and events focused on the green transition.


We provide resources for Pact members to help them make their businesses and productions more sustainable.


Banner Image supplied by Pact member, Attaboy TV.