Legal & Business Affairs News Updates
  • Catch up: Putting Music into Productions

    If you missed our recent webinar with the experts from Wiggin, in which they provided advice on the common pitfalls in commissioning and licensing music, as well as the latest music issues that producers face, you can now catch up...


  • Demo and discount on the Call It! App

    Watch our demo webinar with Call It! Co-Founder, Kate Wilson in which she explains how to use the app and, importantly, what you can do with the data. Pact members enjoy a 50% discount on Call It! subscriptions for the first three months...


  • Important clarification on Holiday Pay

    We have been in discussions with Wiggin LLP and have updated our advice to members to reflect the choice available to employers as to how to implement the recent changes to Holiday Pay...


  • Best Boys' rates update

    Following the unilateral hike in rates demanded by Best Boys on TV drama including SVOD, Pact has recently been in contact with Bectu asking for a negotiation of their rates...


  • Pact supports Call It! App for members to create safer and fairer workplaces

    We have today announced our support for the Call It! App and a special discount for Pact members to use it. Plus, we're highlighting anti-bullying and harassment best practice and the resources available to you and your teams.


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