Cast Your Vote in the Election

The Voting Contact of every company that is a Full member will receive a unique code that will allow them to cast one vote on behalf of their business before Wednesday 4th December.


The Voting Contact of every company that is a Full member (see below for more details) will receive a unique code that will allow them to cast one vote on the Mi-Voice secure website. The Voting Contact of each member company eligible to vote will be notified several weeks before the voting deadline, giving them plenty of time to consider their options before casting a vote. Once a vote has been cast, it is final.

Please note that only the parent company within a group gets to vote. Subsidiary companies do not unless they pay a separate membership fee.


The ability to vote in the election is given to those companies that are deemed Full Members of the Association, as per the Memorandum and Articles of Association of Pact.

The membership types that qualify as a Full member are:

  • Full Producer members
  • Film members

Companies that hold Affiliate, Facilitator, Broadcaster* and Film Facilitator membership are not eligible to be Full members and therefore are not eligible to vote.

*A Broadcaster member is a company that is a UK Public Service Broadcaster, or is majority owned by one.