Production Shooting in the UK Made by Overseas Company

This registration type is for overseas companies producing TV in the UK for an overseas broadcaster or SVOD platform through an SPV.

The production can be registered with Pact for a Levy. You do not need to apply for Pact membership.

What You Get

  • access to Pact's business affairs support for the life of the production
  • access to Pact's suite of contracts and agreements for the life of the production
  • access to Pact's escrow management services should you need them

What You Don't Get

A production registered with us does not entitle the SPV or parent company to Pact membership, so you would not have access to member benefits, such as invitations to Working Groups, Pact events and discounted missions, nor access to the member-only areas of the Pact website.

Eligibility Criteria

The production is a TV production by an overseas company, shooting in the UK, for an overseas broadcaster or SVOD.

What You Pay

To access our services, the SPV will need to pay the Pact Production Levy, which is based on the production budget. Current Production Levy rates can be found here.

Please note that the above rates became applicable on Friday 1st April 2022.  Prior to that, Pact charged an Overseas Levy for overseas commissions shooting in the UK.

An invoice for the Production Levy will be issued by Pact's Accounts team upon receipt of your production registration form.

How Long Does it Take?

Important: Pact cannot issue production specific cast Forms of Engagement until registration is complete.

Step One:  Register Your Production

You will need to provide a number of important details about your production to complete the registration form. It is advised to allow at least half an hour to complete the form, though the precise time will depend on how readily available you have the required information.

At each stage of the registration form, you are able to save it in draft and return to it later if required.

Please note that you can only have one Production Registration form in progress at any one time. If you need to register more than one production, each form will need to be completed and submitted before moving on to the next one.

Step Two:  Access Pact’s Services

We will usually be in touch about your registration within 48 hours from receipt of the production form.

If you are in doubt about any aspects of the production and/or requirements, please get in contact with Grace Goodier: [email protected]

Calculate Your
Production Levy Fee

You can calculate your anticipated Production Levy fee by entering your production budget in to the field below.