AI in Distribution

AI tools used during this stage could mirror those throughout any of the other processes given that IP exploitation and the decisions linked to this is common throughout the production process.

AI tools that could be used to help target the right audiences to optimize distribution strategies are already being used by broadcasters and platforms. Audience data and personalization will impact whether commissioners within the UK and around the world decide to acquire/commission producers’ content.

Examples of use include:

  • AI could be used by producers to gain insight into how Broadcasters and Studios are already using AI tools to determine the success of a certain project and how well it may perform through multi-platform distribution (looking at audience data, publishing sequence and platforms, reactive scheduling etc)
  • Distributors could use AI tools when evaluating how much/what projects to give distribution advances to and the likelihood of a return on these projects
  • Distributors could also use AI tools to evaluate what territories and what broadcasters may be interested in certain projects
  • Could be used by producers to track where rights for actors’ uses need to be cleared in other territories.
  • The AI tool may have access to a lot of commercially sensitive and industry data. Would need to ensure that the data input is only being used for its intended purposes and not by the AI company to then use elsewhere/commercialise.
  • If personal and/or special category data is used in inputted into an AI tool by a producer, it will need to ensure it is compliant with UK data protection and privacy law.
  • Insight into international sales and different territories can be generated quickly, which could then be used at international tradeshows such as MIPCOM, to better target which broadcasters or other international partners may be most interested in a project.
  • Could help de-risk investment for distributors who giving producers distribution advances for a project.
Questions to Ask
  • If you choose to analyse your product through AI, do you have permissions to do this from those participating in your project?