North West

Screen Organisations


Creative UK invests in and champions creative people and businesses.


Screen Manchester is the film office for Manchester City Council. It offers a location service, crewing and resources.

Film Office

Film office for Liverpool City Council.  It hosts a crew database and can assist with all aspects of filming in the area.

Film Hub

Film Hub North is a sector development organisation supporting film culture in the North of England. They work with a range of organisations and individuals to help great films get made, screened and seen in the region.


Organisations with Talent Directories & Opportunities, Networking & Events

Filming in

Crew and facilities database for regional crew and local facilities across the English regions. They also offer a free bespoke crewing service across all production genres.

Film Office

Film office for Liverpool City Council, which offers a free, searchable crew and facilities database.


Film office for Manchester City Council, contact for crew and facilities assistance. Crewing service coming soon.

Animation Festival

The UK’s largest animation festival is based in Manchester and celebrates the animated art form. They host a marketplace where companies and animation studios can showcase their work and meet and network with other delegates.


Training & Talent Development

National Film &Television School

NFTS Leeds is a world-class training and innovation for the film and tv sector in the North of England. Over 60 courses and online sessions available.

North West

RTS North West runs its own programme of lectures, workshops, masterclasses, awards, and social events.


SharpFutures is a social enterprise that supports diverse talent into employment in the creative digital sector. They offer a range of training courses, apprenticeships, and placements to people from diverse backgrounds.


DaDaFest is an innovative and cutting-edge disability and deaf arts organisation based in Liverpool. They aim to inspire, develop, and celebrate talent and excellence, as well as educate, challenge attitudes, and remove barriers. They host festivals as well as offer resources and support.

Manchester Screenwriting

Manchester based group of screen writers who host a regular meet up.

 Contact: [email protected].

New Writing

New Writing North is a charity that leads the development of creative writing in the North of England. The offer programmes and activities to engage people with creative writing and reading. The group works in partnership with the BBC, Channel 4, and Sky.


Training/Talent Development Courses

Channel 4 Production
Training Scheme

The Channel 4 Production Training Scheme is for entry level talent looking to break into the industry. Applicants must have degree in Film and TV or have previous experience through running, work experience, short term placements (no more than three months). It is aimed at those currently underrepresented in the industry, disabled people, people from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds or from lower socio-economic groups. It is run throughout the nations and regions – Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff, North Wales, and Glasgow

The placements are paid and last for one year.

BBC Writers Room:
Write Across Liverpool

Write Across is a development scheme focusing on the Liverpool city region to identify fresh talent and create accessible entry points to the BBC for new writers in the area.

BBC: Production Apprenticeship
Fast Track England

Based at BBC locations across the north of England, the BBC Apprenticeship is an 18-month production apprenticeship, offering work experience on the job and a Certificate in Creative Content and Production.

BBC: Production Advanced
Trainee Scheme

Based at BBC Salford, the BBC Production training scheme is an 18-month scheme working on the job and being supported by BBC Academy training.

Leeds Student

Leeds Student Television station is run by students attending universities across Leeds, and open to all Leeds students to join. It is a great place to find new graduate talent. They have a FB page as well as their own website.

Screen & Film

Based in Birmingham, Brighton and Manchester, Screen & Film School’s mission is to delivery practical courses and train the next generation of filmmakers wishing to enter the film industry.


Make-up United Artists is a hair and make-up agency and training academy based in Salford. They run practical workshops for those wanting to get into the film and tv industries.

AR Make-up

AR Make-Up School offer a range of courses and are based inside the North West’s largest film studio complex, Space Studios.



Women in
Film & TV

WFTV mentoring scheme in England for women looking to take a significant step in their career.

Creative UK:
Manchester Mentoring

This is a programme designed to provide bespoke on-to-one support to creative and cultural practitioners, freelancers and any organisation from creative fields or artistic disciplines based in the Greater Manchester region.


Social Media Groups

TV Talent

TV Talent North is a collective of professionals from the major broadcasters and production companies in the North of England, including Talent Execs, Heads of Production and Managing Directors who are responsible for recruiting production and post-production staff.  The aim of the group is to attract and retain the best talent in the region and provide somewhere freelancers can have access to the North’s major recruiters all in one place. As well as being a jobs finding/posting space, the group also posts about training, opportunities, and events.

Northern Freelance
TV Production

A group for TV Production staff in the North of England. The group is a place to advertise jobs and for freelancers to look for jobs.

Manchester Freelance

A group specifically for freelance Assistant Producers and Producer/Directors in Manchester to find jobs and for companies to advertise roles. You must have tv credits to join the group.

Northern England/Scotland
Film/TV Crew Contacts

A group where people can advertise jobs and find crew for both paid and unpaid jobs in Scotland and the North of England. It also contains posts about industry training, events, and film festivals.

People in TV:
Northern England

A group to post paid jobs for people in the media. All roles must be paid at least National Minimum Wage.

Manchester Film, TV
& Commercial Jobs

A group connecting the Manchester creative community in film, television, and commercials. The group is used for job searching/posting, for networking, sharing training, events, and opportunities.

Manchester Creative

A creative networking space for ideas, advice and aimed at freelancers working in the creative industries.

TV Job Sharing
– North West

A group for those based in the North West to find job sharers and pair up with others working in television. Also, a space for companies to advertise roles where they would consider job sharers in the role.

I Need An Editor
– Manchester

A group for editors based in Manchester to find roles and for companies to find editors.

Women’s Camera
Collective – Manchester

Defined as a safe group for women from all TV genres and film based content in Manchester, for the purpose of sharing ideas, networking, support, events, and camera kit. The aim is to facilitate career development for freelancers.


A group to post call outs for crew and cast, as well as networking and training events for filmmakers in Manchester.

Entry Level TV/Film Jobs
– North West England

A group for entry level television and film jobs in the North West of England. For recent graduates looking for roles and production companies looking to find North West based runners/juniors.

Northern TV


Instagram group which aims to raise the profile of TV development as a career in the north by encouraging new and established talent into development roles through networking opportunities and events.

Email: [email protected] or join the mailing list via the link in the Instagram profile.