
Screen Organisations (including those with a talent directory)


Creative Wales is the governemnt agency in Wales set up to drive growth in the creative industries, building on existing success and developing new talent and skills. They position diversity and inclusion as a priority in everything they do.

Arts Council
of Wales

The Arts Council of Wales is the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. They post job adverts and opportunities as well as the latest news from the industry.


Wales Screen is a team within Creative Wales which can assist with productions including locations, sourcing freelance crew, facilities, accommodation, and permissions. They have a searchable database of crew.


Creative Cardiff is a network which connects people working in any creative organisation, business, or job in the Cardiff region. Organisations and individuals can sign up to join the network for free, and there is a searchable database on the site. The site hosts job adverts, which can also be posted for free. They also promote funding, commissions, available space, training, and other opportunities as well as events, research, and a podcast.

Screen Alliance

Screen Alliance Wales (SAW) is a not-for-profit organization and the gateway between the industry and its workforce. It grows and promotes the talent, crew, and services of the film and TV industry in Wales. The website hosts a searchable production director, organisations can post job vacancies and there is also a CPD section with training. They partner with training providers to arrange work experience and offer training opportunities (see training section for more details on available training).

Film Hub

Film Hub Wales is part of the BFI Film Audience Network and aims to bring more films, to more people, in more places around Wales. Funding support is available for training and skills development.


Ffilm Cymru is the development agency for Welsh film. They provide funding and training to emerging and established Welsh filmmakers. They aim to engage people of all ages and abilities in creative learning and developing new skills, career pathways through a range of training programmes. They have a range of funding programmes on offer and support for production companies.

Culture Connect

Culture Connect Wales supports diverse talent in finding opportunities in the film and tv sector in Wales. It is run for and by the community and promotes jobs and opportunities, offers advice and support for people looking to get into the sector or looking for their next role. Their website posts jobs and they ask for any organisations with opportunities to get in touch.

Teledwyr Annibynnol

Teledwyr Annibynnol Cymru (TAC) is the trade body for the independent TV production sector in Wales.


BAFTA Cymru is a leading UK charity supporting, developing, and promoting the art forms of the moving image. It champions the film, television, and games industries in Wales by celebrating excellence, championing new talent, and reaching out to the public, including the annual BAFTA Cymru Awards.


RTS Cymru/Wales aims to bring people together and debate and explore topical issues relevant to television in Wales. They are committed to professional development and aims to raise standards through its activities, working with universities and colleges across Wales. Welsh language programme-making is an important part of the broadcasting industry in Wales, and they tailor activities to reflect this. They run a slate of regular events.


Clwstwr is an ambitious five-year programme to create new products, services, and experiences for screen. They want to build on South Wales’ success in making creative content by putting research and development at the core of production. The organisation is for screen industry businesses, organisations and professionals, related supply chains as well as the wider regional economy and aims to create a platform for independent companies, SMEs, micro-businesses, and freelancers to compete with globally.

Clwstwr is committed to supporting the development of an inclusive screen sector for Wales which reflects its communities on and off screen.

They have a number of ongoing projects, including developing a Creative Careers Platform which aims to engage, inspire and inform new, returning and early career freelancers, helping them to grown their confidence, connections and professional capabilities.

Ymddiried: Welsh
Broadcasting Trust

Ymddiried is an organisation that exists to help and promote the Welsh media for individuals who wish to develop their career in the media, including television, film, radio, and digital and interactive media. They have funding available for projects and are looking to collaborate and support educational activities.

Creative & Cultural

Creative & Cultural Skills is an organisation working to create fair and inclusive opportunities for young people within the creative and cultural sectors. They do this via awareness raising and shaping skills, education, and employment best practice. They run a programme of training, tools, and resources online, events, one to one support, and sector updates and research.


Media Cymru is a collaboration to turn Cardiff Capital Region into a global hub for media innovation. They aim to be a driving force for inclusion in the Welsh Media sector via research and development and trageted programmes.


Diversity Organisations, Not Screen Industry Specific


Diverse Cymry delivers a range of equality and diversity consultancy and training and have previously delivered ‘Diversity in Practice in Film and TV’.


Other Useful Organisations


Iris Prize celebrates amazing LGBT+ film all year round. Based in Cardiff, it is a leading voice in championing LGBT+ short film and hosts a Film Festival every October. They also hold the world’s largest short film prize of £30,000, run screenings and host mini festivals throughout the year.

Disability Arts

Disability Arts Cymru is the lead organisation for disability arts in Wales. They offer training and consultancy to the arts on the themes of equality, diversity, best practice, and unconscious bias.

Black History

Black History Cymru believes that Black History should be taught and celebrated throughout the year. They have created a national, year-round Creative Arts Programme which encourages African and African-Caribbean communities in Wales to develop new skills and gain valuable experiences through the arts through workshops and arts events.


Grassroots is a registered charity which aims to support young people through activities, training and workshops in music, performance, video, and digital arts.


Urban Circle Newport is an independent youth arts organisation and charity which engages, supports, and empowers young people and communities. They have developed a film tool for use in an educational setting about BAME history. Urban Circle members shared their experiences of heritage and education.

Ethnic Minorities & Youth
Support Team Wales

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales was set up by a group of ethnic minority young people in Swansea, with an aim to fill a gap in provision for young BMA people aged 11 -25 by providing a targeted, culturally sensitive, and holistic support service to meet their needs.

They offer a range of support, as well as training on Cultural Diversity in the Welsh Context: Why it Matters and What You Need to Know.

Wicked Wales
International Film Festival

Wicked Wales hosts an international film festival and community cinemas. 


Literature Wales is the national company for the development of literature. Their website has details about funding opportunities, mentoring, and training available.

Watch Africa

Watch Africa Cymru is Wales’ annual African Film Festival celebrating the best of African film. It provides a platform for African films, arts, and culture in Wales. They also host a film club which is an informal community of people who are interested in African film.

Cardiff Mini
Film Festival

Cardiff Mini Film Festival supports new and emerging filmmakers and low budget films. It is a two-day festival and includes networking and guest speakers.

Cardiff Animation

Cardiff Animation Festival hosts an annual festival as well as Cardiff Animation Nights which are free bimonthly screenings of great animation from around the world.

TAPE Music
& Film

TAPE Music & Film is a charity which is about accessibility and inclusivity and provides high-quality support, training and opportunities to individuals and groups from first time creative through to graduates and professionals. They host an animation festival.



Women in
Film & TV Wales

Women in Film & TV Wales (WFTV) mentoring scheme in Wales for women looking to take a significant step in their career.


Training and Talent Development Courses


Ffilm Cymru is the development agency for Welsh film. They offer a variety of training programmes including ‘Screen Careers’ for new entrants which is a screen careers toolkit and ‘Foot in the Door’ which opens up the film industry to under-represented groups.

This is a screen careers toolkit which gives detailed information on the variety of roles available and career pathways. They also offer professional support to emerging film and television producers via ‘Y Labordy’ and funding toward a first feature. They are running a training programme delivering bespoke opportunities to widen awareness of mental health in the workplace and to nurture inclusive working environments.


Ffolio is a not-for-profit training and development programme that aims to find new creative talent in Wales and get their ideas onto the screen. The scheme comes with mentoring and BBC Commissioning opportunities. It is for creative talent based in Wales without professional experience in audio or film production.


Sgil Cymru is Wales’ leading training provider of creative and digital media apprenticeships as well as a bespoke course. ‘Stepping Up’ for industry professionals looking to upskill or step up to a new role.


Cult Cymru is a learning project led by BECTU in partnership with Equity, the Musicians’ Union, and the Writers’ Guild, through which they offer learning and training such as business skills, digital skills, role specific training, statutory training, mental health and wellbeing, equality, and diversity training, coaching, and mentoring and train the trainer.

National Film & Television
School Cymru/Wales

NFTS Cymru Wales delivers a wide range of world-class training courses, plus bespoke courses designed to support the breadth of talent in Wales. Based in Cardiff.

BFI Film
Academy Wales

BFI Film Academy Wales provides show film courses to develop the film skills of young people aged 16-19. All courses across the UK can be found on the above link. 

BFI Film Academy Wales:
Bulldozer Films

Bulldozer Films delivers the BFI Film Academy for South Wales. It is aimed at people aged between 16 – 19 and who are interested in film or looking to explore a career in film. They are offered hands on experience working with industry professionals. They offer two residential programmes: Visual Effects and Filmmaking. 

BFI Film Academy:
Chapter - Break into Film

Chapter has a series of pan-Wales venue-based film education activity including film courses, industry days and 1-to-1 mentoring.

Teledwyr Annibynnol
Cymru: Training

The trade body, TAC offers a range of tailored training in line with their members priorities. Check the website for regular updates on what they have on offer including those on D&I. 

Their courses are open to members and to non-members for a small fee.

BAFTA Cymru:
Events & Initiatives

BAFTA Cymru run around 120 events a year for existing industry practitioners, as well as discovering, inspiring, and supporting emerging talent. Events include masterclasses, ‘an audience with …’, commissioner and broadcaster panels, and festivals.

BAFTA Supporting Talent provides details of initiatives across the UK supporting new talent. 

ITV Wales:
News traineeship

ITV offer a News training scheme offering the opportunity to join the ITV national and regional news team as a trainee journalist at ITV Wales, based in Cardiff. 

ITV Wales & S4C

ITV Wales, in partnership with S4C, take on two trainees who want to develop a career in Welsh language journalism. The aim is to give those who are under-represented in the sector an opportunity to work in the field. The successful candidates gain a 12-month work placement with training.

Fast Track

Factual Fast Track is a funded scheme run in partnership with Channel 4, BBC Cymru Wales, and S4C for Producer level upwards industry professionals working in factual to advance their careers through paid production and broadcaster placements, bespoke training, and commissioner and peer meetings. Two of the six places are earmarked for Welsh speakers.

Screen AllianceWales

Screen Alliance Wales (SAW) is a not-for-profit organization and the gateway between the industry and its workforce. It grows and promotes the talent, crew, and services of the film and TV industry in Wales. They partner with training providers to arrange work experience and offer training opportunities including traineeships, work shadowing placements and training.

It’s My

It’s My Shout is a training scheme providing training for all ages interested in gaining experience in film. Each year the scheme produces short films for BBC Wales, S4C, Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales. The aim is to discover, develop and nurture new talent.

Into Film

The Into Film Cymru programme aims to meet the needs and demands of the education and youth sector in Wales. It offers resources, CPD training and industry-led events, supporting schools and colleges to deliver the new curriculum, promote the Welsh language and highlight career opportunities. 

The One Stop
Doc Shop

This online podcast aims to encourage and support women and non-binary filmmakers into documentary film. It provides a free, comprehensive overview of the documentary filmmaking process from start to finish.

TRC Media's

Rad is an 8-month traineeship with a Welsh Production company, aimed at those who are under-represented within the TV industry including those with a disability, from Black, Asian  and Ethinic Minority communities, or from disadvantaged backgrounds. The work placements are paid, and candidates are fully supported by training and a mentor. The scheme is aimed at entry level talent. 

Creative Flexible
Skills Programme

Funded by the Welsh Government, this initiative is designed to encourage and support the development of company's employees' skills in the Creative Sector. It can provide a financial contribution towards the training costs of a Wales-based employer's staff. 


An online learning hub for 18 – 30 year olds living in Wales and looking to get ahead in the creative and cultural industries. Over 8 weeks they can learn skills, meet creatives, and build networks. Those taking part work on creating content which is then published on the website.


Social Media Groups

TV & Film Freelancers
Working in Wales

This group is open to any TV or film freelancers who work in Wales. The aim of the group is to create a central hub of freelancers to allow training providers, production companies and unions to contact the industry with news and events, as well as to allow networking including those making low or no budget productions.

Cardiff Film
Production Network

A group for anyone passionate about film and all elements of film production to share ideas and information about the production industry in Cardiff and the surrounding area. Companies can post job adverts, industry news and promote local film events.

Established Freelancers
Working in TV & Film in Wales

Group membership is open to anyone working in TV or film in Wales, including both on and off-screen roles.

South Wales Film
Network & Self Promotion

A group for South Wales filmmakers to ask for advice and help on their projects, from actors to crew to equipment hire.

Cardiff Film

The Cardiff Film Network (CFN) is a group for film makers, actors, editors, directors and producers to network, debate, discuss and showcase their work.