Yorkshire & North East

Screen Organisations


Creative UK invests in and champions creative people and businesses.

North East

North East Screen (formerly Northern Film and Media) is the regional screen agency for the North East of England. They can support productions with crew and offer talent and profession development support for freelancers. They can connect experienced crew with job opportunities and have an extensive crew database. For those starting out, they have the NE Screen Crew Academy.


Screen Yorkshire champions the film, tv, games and digital industries in Yorkshire and Humber. See training section for more details on specific talent initiatives.


Leeds Film delivers film festivals in the city as well as projects and programmes for young people. See training section for more details.

Film Office

Film office for Bradford. They can assist with finding local cast and crew.

Screen Industries
Growth Network

Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) is an initiative supporting the tv, film and games industries in Yorkshire and Humber. They connect companies, support agencies and universities through a programme of training, business development, research, and evaluation. They have a commitment to diversity and inclusion and aim to increase opportunities across the screen industries to lead to a more diverse workforce.

Film Hub

Film Hub North is a sector development organisation supporting film culture in the North of England. They work with a range of organisations and individuals to help great films get made, screened and seen in the region.


Organisations with Talent Directories

Screen Yorkshire Crew &
Facilities Service/Talent Directory

Service provided by Screen Yorkshire to connect production companies filming in Yorkshire with locally based freelance crew and film and TV supply chain companies.

Crew members who sign up must have one professional credit.

North East Screen
Crew Academy

The Crew Academy aims to make careers in film and TV more accessible. They run bootcamps, masterclasses, workshops, careers events, on set open days and shadow placements. They are dedicated to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion and create a workforce that reflects the diversity of the UK.

North East

North East Crew can help find locations, local crew, facilities, and production companies. They have a searchable database of crew and can circulate job opportunities.

Filming in

Filming in England is a free bespoke crewing service across all production classifications and genres, for productions looking to hire regional crew from all skills and backgrounds. You can also find locations and studios, amongst other things.

North East

Film Office

Film office for Bradford which offers crew and facilities directory as well as location finding service.

Sheffield Documentary

Annual international documentary festival based in Sheffield, which includes spaces to connect production companies and talent, we well as new entrants.

Sharp Futures:
People on Demand

People on Demand (POD) is a pool of entry level new entrants which companies can book to assist on projects, social media, admin, and video production roles. They can also provide trained crew to support all aspects of either studio or location based production, available by the hour or at short notice.


Training & Talent Development

National Film & Television
School Leeds

NFTS Leeds is a world-class training and innovation for the film and tv sector in Yorkshire and the North of England. Over 60 courses and online sessions available.

RTS North
East & Borders

RTS caters for broadcasters, freelancers, and students in the North East of England and Cumbria. Holds meetings, events including North East and Borders Awards. Committed to encouraging the new generation of tv practitioners. Hosts the North East and the Border Centre’s Young People’s Media Festival.


Sharp Futures is a social enterprise that supports diverse talent into employment in the creative digital sector. They offer a range of training courses, apprenticeships, and placements to people from diverse backgrounds.

South Yorkshire
Filmmakers Network

The South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes and enables film-based networking and filmmaking activities in South Yorkshire. The offer networking events, screens and competitions. They also have a professional production service at low/negotiable rates.

Yorkshire Sound
Women Network

The Yorkshire Sound Women Network was founded by women working in sound technology with a mission to support an industry which welcomes, encourages, and progresses the inclusion of women at all levels and reflects the diversity of its participating communities. Their work encompasses education, community, and advocacy.


YAFTA is a professional acting academy and talent agency which aims to help their students succeed in the film and tv industry.

New Writing

New Writing North is a charity that leads the development of creative writing in the North of England. The offer programmes and activities to engage people with creative writing and reading. The group works in partnership with the BBC, Channel 4, and Sky.


Training/Talent Development Courses

Screen Yorkshire:
Beyond Brontës

Beyond Brontës is a training scheme which aims to address under representation in the screen industries. Open to those aged 18 – 24. Training includes industry masterclasses, CV and interview workshops, mentorships, one-to-one support, and detailed careers information. Plus, where feasible and practical, internships and work experience.

Screen Yorkshire:
Connected Campus

Connect Campus is a scheme aiming to forge closer links between film and tv professionals, production companies, broadcasters and students trying to break into the industry. All students at partner organisations an access a range of boot camps, masterclasses, and special events. Incorporates ten universities and three colleges.

Screen Yorkshire:

FLEX supports writers, directors, and producers to develop dynamic, authentic, and fluid stories fit for 2021 and beyond. Its goal is to work with talent that is inspired by the creative freedom afforded by FLEX and to connect diverse stories with new audiences. Throughout the six month programme, participants take part in information session with industry specialists and mentoring, as well as regular development support from the Screen Yorkshire team.

North East Comedy
Hot House

North East Comedy Hot House is a co-operative cultivating regional talent on and off screen. Led by scripted comedy executive, Emma Lawson, with the aim to grow comedy talent and production companies from the North East and Tees Valley.

BBC Writers'
Room North

BBC Writers' Room North aims to discover, develop and champion new and experienced writing talent by offering support, script reading, bursaries, and networking. New writing voices are awarded annually.

BBC: Production Apprenticeship
Fast Track England

Based at BBC locations across the north of England, the BBC Apprenticeship is an 18-month production apprenticeship, offering work experience on the job and a Certificate in Creative Content and Production.

Screen Industries
Growth Network

The Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) provide a comprehensive range of training and development schemes designed to create a larger, more diverse, more creative, and entrepreneurial screen industry workforce. Their offering includes workshops, mentoring, training, and funding bursaries. 



Women in
Film & TV

WFTV mentoring scheme in England is for women looking to take a significant step in their career at mid to senior level.


FilmMakers25 is a mentoring scheme in the Bradford area aimed at filmmakers and digital content producers looking to grow their careers. It is run by Under the Moon.


Social Media Groups

TV Talent

TV Talent North is a collective of professionals from the major broadcasters and production companies in the North of England, including Talent Execs, Heads of Production and Managing Directors who are responsible for recruiting production and post-production staff.  The aim of the group is to attract and retain the best talent in the region and provide somewhere freelancers can have access to the North’s major recruiters all in one place. As well as being a jobs finding/posting space, the group also posts about training, opportunities, and events.

Northern Freelance
TV Production

A group for TV Production staff in North of England, place to advertise jobs and look for jobs.

Northern England/Scotland
Film/TV Crew Contacts

A group where people can advertise jobs and find crew for both paid and unpaid jobs in Scotland and the North of England. It also contains posts about industry training, events, and film festivals.

People in TV:
Northern England

A group to post paid jobs for people in the media. All roles must be paid at least National Minimum Wage.

North East Film
& TV Crew

A group aimed at professional film or television crew based and working in the North East of England. A place where jobs are posted, opportunities, events, training, and networking. They ask that no unpaid jobs are posted.

NE Low
to No

A group for those making low to no budget productions and to be able to find those interested in working on them.

Film Makers
North East

A group for filmmakers in the North East, for networking, finding crew and sharing information.


This is a community group for anyone in York looking for crew, sharing opportunities and networking.

Indie Film Makers

A group for indie filmmakers to post jobs, search for crew and share opportunities.