Diamond (DIversity Analysis MONitoring Data)

What isDiamond?

Diamond (DIversity Analysis MONitoring Data) was set up in 2016 by the UK broadcasters, in partnership with the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) and Pact and established a standard system for reporting, monitoring and analysing diversity. Diamond is part of an industry strategy to improve diversity across the industry in order ‘to reflect society and enhance creativity, thereby increasing world-class programming. 

The BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Paramount, UKTV and Sky use the Diamond system to obtain consistent diversity data about the programmes they commission.

The purpose of Diamond is to ask and answer two questions: “Who’s on TV?” and “Who makes TV?”

Diamond achieves this by measuring the actual diversity of people working on a programme, on- and off-screen; and by measuring how an audience perceives the diversity of characters and contributors on-screen.

Data is captured across six characteristics which are:

  • gender
  • gender identity
  • age
  • ethnicity
  • sexual orientation
  • disability

Diamond data is published regularly (see useful links below to access reports) and aims to bring greater transparency and accountability for diversity and equality of opportunity in the industry.

What Does it MeanFor Producers?

Diamond is very simple to use. At the point of delivery/post-production paperwork, producers enter the names and email addresses of cast and crew into Silvermouse. These individuals then receive an email with a link to a short form to complete. It is recommended that producers encourage individuals to complete the form and clearly explain why it is important.

We have produced a Diamond Information for Freelancers sheet to help with this (see useful links below).

Companies also input perceived data about individuals appearing on-screen in their programmes into Silvermouse. The CDN has support resources for Production companies (see useful links below).

Legal representatives from Pact and the broadcasters have agreed wording about Diamond to be included in all engagement documents (release forms, contributor agreements, staff contracts etc) and all other agreements for those appearing in or working on a programme.

If you use the Pact precedents, these also include the wording.

If you have your own agreements, you must include specific wording around Diamond. Pact has negotiated an indemnity in respect of Diamond from the broadcasters to producers provided that Pact's exact wording is used in the relevant agreements.

Diamond involves collecting personal information from contributors, therefore it is subject to obligations under UK Data Protection law and other relevant legislation. Diamond also complies with all broadcasters’ strict security policies and protects individuals’ anonymity. All data is completely confidential and anonymous (see useful links for Diamond Privacy and Protection)

Who is Responsible for DiamondWithin an Organisation?

Usually, it will be the responsibility of production management. The CDN and broadcasters have developed a range of resources to help production companies run the process and to keep colleagues and talent informed of how the process works and what they need to do. Companies can access face-to-face training sessions, and there are e-learning modules, guidance notes and other support resources available online via the Pact Resorce Hub.


The CDN publishes Diamond data in yearly reports, as well as offering longer term analysis of industry trends and performance.

Diamond data was the catalyst for the CDN’s Doubling Disability campaign (2019), which focused much-needed attention on the under-representation of disabled people. In 2022, it published Diamond at 5: A deep dive into the representation of disabled people in UK television and included key recommendations to enable long-lasting, significant improvements.

The CDN report, Racial and Ethnic Diversity: a deep- dive into Diamond data (2020) shed light on the complexities relating to representation by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic talent on and off screen.

Overall, analysis of Diamond data since it’s inception points to a lack of progress in terms of increased representation of previously (and currently) under-represented groups. There are positives, for example, – small increases in representation by disabled people both on and off-screen, however for example – there is still a long way to go to achieve meaningful change and Diamond is part of enabling that change.

BroadcasterDiamond Queries

Should you have any queries about when you need to start completing the Diamond diversity forms on Silvermouse and what the expectation is regarding seeing these new forms in your Silvermouse account – please contact the broadcaster that commissioned your programme directly as they are best placed to confirm to you what they require.


[email protected] or [email protected] for diversity actual and diversity perceived enquiries.

Channel 4

[email protected] or [email protected] for diversity actual and diversity perceived enquiries.

[email protected] or [email protected] for diversity actual and diversity perceived enquiries.
