Diversity Standards: BFI and BAFTA

The BFI Diversity Standards are a flexible framework, developed by the BFI for use across the screen industries to drive equitable opportunity, improve representation and bring about industry change.

The Standards have been adopted by industry organisations for public funding in the UK, including the BFI and BAFTA. The standards aim to ensure the sector is representative of the UK, both on and off screen and to achieve this they define a range of areas for improving diversity and inclusion.


  • Standard A: On-screen representation, themes, and narratives
  • Standard B: Creative leadership and project team
  • Standard C: Industry access and opportunities
  • Standard D: Audience development
  • Standard E: Accessibility

The Standards apply to the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010, plus regional participation, socio-economic background and caring responsibilities in order to take into account the impact of multiple minoritized and marginalised identities.

How the StandardsAre Applied

BFI Diversity Standards


  • 50/50 gender balance
  • 20% target for those identifying as belonging to an under-represented ethnic group
  • 10% target for those identifying as LGBTQ+
  • 7% target for those identifying as D/deaf and disabled


Achieving the BFI Standards is a contractual requirement for all BFI funding for film, including fiction and documentary films funded via BFI partners.

The BFI has published guidance for how the standards are applied in different areas including: film, television, exhibition and distribution, organisations or ‘summary’, games and Screen Scotland.

Generally, each project must demonstrate commitment to inclusion and meet the criteria in at least two of the standards, but you should refer to the specific guidance for each area and get in touch with the BFI if you need further clarity. Projects should also sign up to and enforce the industry Bullying, Harassment and Racism principles which were developed by BFI, BAFTA and other industry partners.

BAFTA Diversity and Inclusion 

BAFTA is committed to diversity and inclusion as an organisation and in the work it does as an arts charity to develop the film, television and games industries.

BAFTA wants all talented people to be able to succeed, regardless of background.

They set out their principles as follows:

  • BAFTA believes that talent is widely distributed but opportunities are not. It aims to use its profile and industry network to help identify talent and support them to achieve their potential.
  • BAFTA aims to use its influence to encourage the industry to get behind effective change.
  • BAFTA values effective action over profile-raising and is happy to support the good work of its many partners who share its aim of developing a more inclusive industry.
  • BAFTA believes that data is important in effecting change, and monitors its application processes and audiences, to better understand which groups are under-represented and benchmark its figures against the UK population and the industry.


Diversity and inclusion criteria is part of the entry requirements for awards. BAFTA use the BFI Diversity Standards as a model, as it believes they provide a shared flexible framework for measuring diversity that can be tracked over time.

Within film, the standards apply in the Outstanding British Film, Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer categories. The standards apply across the BAFTA Television and Television Craft Awards and Games Awards. Always refer to the guidance specific to each awards and contact BAFTA for further support.

Producers are expected to sign up to and enforce the BFI Principles for tackling bullying, harassment and racism.
