Inclusive Hiring

Creating an Inclusive Hiring Process

It is an employer’s responsibility, under the Equality Act 2010, to make the recruitment process accessible.

Reflect back on the 5As and ANTICIPATE you are going to be interviewing and working with Disabled talent and ASSESS your recruitment process to ensure it is accessible.

Outreach &Applications

  • State on your advert that you accept alternative formats for job applications
  • Include contact details so applicants can ask questions about alternative ways to apply
  • Encourage Disabled applicants to apply
  • If using images, ensure these include alt-text
  • Ensure your job description uses clear language and outlines essential duties
  • Advertise widely and continue extending your networks
  • Link to an access statement for your work buildings and facilities 


  • Ask every candidate if they have any access requirements, whether the interview takes place online or in person
  • Provide clear instructions on who the candidate will be meeting and provided them with an access statement for your work buildings and facilities
  • Interview in an accessible environment, ensuring the room is quiet. Provide access information to candidates in advance
  • Consider sending interview questions in advance, which can support a variety of access needs
  • Whilst you can ask a candidate whether they have access requirements for the interview, you are not allowed to ask whether they need reasonable adjustments for the job until an offer has been made