What Are the 5As?

The 5As provide guidelines for disability inclusion in UK television production, and can be applied to all areas of the industry, both behind and in front of the camera. All members of the TV Access Project are signed up and committed to implementing the 5As.

When you are producing content for TAPs members you will be asked during commissioning and greenlight conversations to consider how to apply the 5As throughout the production process. Each broadcaster and streamer will have their own individual processes for these conversations and associated paperwork relating to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion principles.

  1. Anticipate

    We fully expect to work and continue to work with Disabled people on a regular basis

    So, we will keep ahead of the game and ensure our structures, processes and environments are - and remain - inclusive. We will engender confidence among Disabled talent, by actively communicating and demonstrating how we are inclusive. In doing this, we will always seek expert advice and stay up to date with best practice.
  2. Ask

    We avoid assuming anything, of anybody.

    So, sensitively and as standard, we will regularly approach every team member - whether they have a condition or impairment that is immediately apparent or not - to invite them to discuss any adjustment needs or access requirements they have in order to fulfil their role. In doing so, we will focus on access and adjustments, not conditions or impairments and we will let Disabled people own those conversations.
  3. Assess

    We value self-reflection.

    So, we will be clear and transparent about how accessible we are, ensuring that Disabled talent can easily find out about our access provision and support without having to ask. We will consistently sense-check that we have created a working culture where everyone feels open, confident and safe to communicate their access needs, bringing in specialist expertise when needed. We will also regularly evaluate and improve our inclusion policies and practices.
  4. Adjust

    We deliver what is needed.

    So, we will consistently and well ahead of time, put in place any reasonable adjustment to ensure the full inclusion as well as the physical and emotional wellbeing of Disabled talent during involvement with us. This includes during recruitment and the onboarding process. We will do so with the support of relevant experts and ensuring we have sufficient funding in place.
  5. Advocate

    We set high standards for everyone.

    So, we will celebrate what Disabled talent brings and actively champion them. We will not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour, language or attitudes and we will think long-term to consistently support the progression of Disabled talent into senior roles.



Want to arrange training for your team on how to embed the 5As across your production process? The following training providers can support you:

You can also use ScreenSkills' series of free accessible videos, which training organisations can use within their own courses and workshops.