Welcome to the
New Pact Website

Read our quick guide about new features and how you can make the most of the new Pact website.

27 Aug 2024

We are delighted to have launched the new, improved Pact website. 

We spent many months working on the design and information architecture of the new site to ensure that it provides an improved experience for members and helps you to find the information you need, faster. 

We know that it will take a little bit of time for you to become familiar with the new site, so have put together a quick guide to help you find your way around.


To access member only content, such as contract templates, you will need to be logged in. You can either log in using the MyPact Member Login button on the menu bar, or you will automatically be prompted to login when you try to access a piece of member only content. 

The first time you login on the new site, you will be sent an email with a verification code in order to set up a new password. You will not be able to login to the new website with your old password and must use the email verification code to gain access. 

Once you are logged in, you will be able to access all member only content across the site. However, the MyPact and online join and renewal processes are not yet active. They will be coming online very soon, and we will update you as soon as they are live.

Contracts, Guidance 
& More

The new Resource Hub is the where all of our key resources for members live. It’s where you can find contract templates, guidance notes and HR and business support, as well as our Nations & Regions and International Production & Exploitation resources, amongst other things.

The resources are grouped by key subjects (such as Contracting On-Screen Talent and Broadcaster Agreements, Policies & Budget Templates). When you enter some of the subjects, you are then able to use the Filter and Type functions to narrow your search further, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

The Hub will forever be expanding with new and updated content, and we will use the weekly newsletter to communicate these changes with members so you don't miss anything. We have already begun migrating resources that currently live on the Pact Growth Accelerator into the Resource Hub, and in time all of our resources for members and the wider industry will live under this one roof.

Diversity, Equity 
& Inclusion

We have a wealth of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) resources for members and the wider industry. These used to live across different sites, but have now been streamlined into one place, the DEI section in our Resource Hub.  

So whether you’re looking for the TAP Toolkit, information on monitoring your organisation, or guidance on making your workplace culture more inclusive, you can find it all in our DEI Resources section.


If you want to see what events we have coming up, you can find them on the Events page

If you would like to catch up on a past event, those will all live in one place on the Webinars page in the Resource Hub. However, you will also find related webinars listed when you search within specific subjects in the Resource Hub. We are in the process of moving past event recordings across to the new site and so the Webinars page will become gradually more populated in time.

For details about other industry events, you can find month-by-month listings on the Industry Events page in the Resource Hub.

News & 

We will share news and updates via the weekly newsletter, but you can also find the latest on the News & Updates page, alongside our archive of past news.

Get in 

 If you need to get hold of a member of the Pact team, you can find contact details on the Contact Us page.

More Coming 

Please look out for more updates from us over the coming weeks as we share details about how to make the most of the new website and everything it has to offer your company and your teams. It’s a constantly evolving resource and we want to make sure it’s delivering for you.

For now, do enjoy exploring the new site and please tell us what you think.